Introduction to an Incredibly Innovative Game: Ultimate Frisbee!
Do you know the only rule in Ultimate Frisbee is sportsmanship, and there are no referees in the game? A sport without a referee! How can one decide the winner? All the decisions are made based on sportsmanship, and players accept their teammates’ calls.

The motive behind any sport or game is beyond competition; they teach us to respect the game and the players, to be true to ourselves and other people, and to enjoy life. Similarly, the motive behind Ultimate Frisbee is to have fun and enjoy the game rather than get aggressive in the field because you are on the losing end.
Let's not kill your curiosity and begin introducing the incredible game of Ultimate Frisbee.
As the name suggests, the game is played like we used to play with frisbees in our childhood, but for Ultimate Frisbee, one needs to acquire certain fundamental skills.
What are the Features of an Ultimate Frisbee Disc?
The Ultimate USA, the governing body of Ultimate in the USA, has set a standard dimension for Ultimate Frisbee discs with a weight of 175g (+/-3g), a diameter of 274 mm (+/- 3 mm), and the height from the top to bottom of the disc is 32mm (+/-2mm). Additionally, only an approved disc from the regulatory body can be used for the official game.
Where can One Play Ultimate Frisbee?
The Ultimate Frisbee is played on the playing field with the dimensions of 2*25 yards for end zones and 70 yards for the playing field. Additionally, the end zones are marked with orange cones where respective teams score their points.
How Many Players are there on a Team?
The game is played between two teams consisting of 7 players on each field side. The number can be 6 for a recreational game in smaller areas than the official playing field.
How do We Play Ultimate Frisbee?
The game begins with flipping 1 or 2 discs into the air to decide which team will play first. It is decided on the bases of which side of the disc is on the top when it lies on the ground. The team who wins the flip chooses their first move, i.e., whether they want to play on offense or defense, along with which side of the field they will begin the game.
After the decision, the defensive team makes the initial throw, known as a pull, towards the offensive side. Then, the team on the offensive side has to catch the disc to take possession of the disc and throw it to a team member in the opponents’ end zone, and the process goes on.
How do You Score a Point in Ultimate Frisbee?
A team scores a point when they catch the disc inside their opponent’s endzone. The receiver must not be in contact with the area outside the endzone. Also, the player should stop running once they catch the disc.
What are the Fundamental Skills and Techniques one needs to become a Pro in Ultimate Frisbee?
One cannot excel in any game until and unless players are aware of the fundamentals and acquire Frisbee skills and techniques of the game. Therefore, to understand the fundamentals, skills, and techniques, you need to become familiar with certain terminology and practice the techniques to acquire skills.
Here is the list of the terminology you need to follow to become a pro in the Ultimate Frisbee game:
Throwing: Your throwing technique matters a lot to reach the endpoint and score a point. There are two throwing techniques to throw the disc: backhand and forehand throwing.
Backhand Throwing: One of the most common throwing techniques used in Ultimate Frisbee is backhand throwing.
Here are the steps you should consider while practicing backhand throwing:
- Keep your thumb on the top of the disc slightly bent and wrap your fingers around the rim of the disc.
- Keep your feet shoulder-width apart and take a step back with the non-throwing foot, i.e., if you are throwing a disc with your right hand, then the left foot is your non-throwing foot.
- Rotate your upper body away from the target while aiming your throwing shoulder in line with it.
- Take a step forward, rotate the chest towards the target, and release the disc with a wrist flick.
Forehand Throwing: The most efficient throw in the game uses the least amount of time and effort while making a throw. It is also known as a flick.
- It would help if you placed the disc between the thumb and the pointer finger and secured the disc by placing the thumb on the top and pointer and middle fingers under the rim of the disc and squeezing it tightly.
- Step back on your pivot foot, and bring your forearms and the disc parallel to your hip.
- Take a step forward and shift your weight to your non-throwing foot, and once you take the position, now is the time to snap your wrist to release the disc.
- Remember to keep the palm of your hand facing up.
Another essential skill, along with throwing, is catching, and there are three types of catches, namely the one-handed rim catch, the two-handed rim catch, and the pancake catch.
One-Handed Rim Catch: When the player catches the disc by its outer rim using a single hand, it is known as a one-handed rim catch. This skill is used to catch discs that are either thrown high, low or behind the catcher.
Two-Handed Rim Catch: When the player maintains the possession of the disc using both hands to secure the disc during the catch, it is known as a two-handed rim. The skill is used when the disc is at face height above the chin or thigh level below the waist.
Pancake: This is the most secure way to catch a disc and is best used for throws at a height between the chin and the waist area. The disc is to be caught by placing one hand on the disc's top and the other hand on the flat bottom surface.
Cutting: Cut is a quick change in direction. This skill is used to create space and distance between you and your defender to make it easier to receive the disc and advance in the field.
What are the Different Positions in Ultimate Frisbee?
There are two main Positions in the game, which are as follows:
- Handlers- The person who comfortably throws the disc to break the mark, i.e., reach the endpoint.
- Cutters: The players who make a move to get free from their defender and become a potential receiver of the disc.
Let's Share Some Fun Facts about the Game!
- Ultimate Frisbee was played first in Columbia High in the 1970s without any referees.
- There are only observers who intercede when there is an unsettled dispute amongst the players.
- The players play rock, paper, and scissors most of the time to decide who will start the game.
- The game is a part of the World Games, and it may soon find its place in the Olympics games.
- Discraft Ultra-Star (175 gram) is the official disc of the USA Championship Series.
- The endzones are near twice the Football endzones, but the actual playing area is much smaller than a Football field.
Thus, the game is well recognized and easy regarding rules and fundamentals. So, get yourself premium Ultimate Frisbee discs and other accessories and enjoy playing this incredible game that will help to inculcate sportsmanship in you.